
Optimizing Optical Instruments with Additive Manufacturing

In the last decade, the optical instrumentation for space and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platforms has been optimized in order to reduce the mass and volume of the equipment. In order to meet this specific goal, it was critical to develop new innovative systems taking advantage of new manufacturing methods.

Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics for Biomedical Applications

Ceramics are a key component of the biomaterials market, a growing market due to the many properties (biodegradable, bio-inert, antibacterial effect, etc.) making ceramic materials essential technology in the medical sector. Applied to the biomedical market, 3D printing allows the realization of bone substitutes, custom ceramic implants and surgical tools.Read more on biomedical applications

The development mix continues…

3Dceram continues to develop technical ceramic formulas to fit its range of 3D printers. Now the Si3n4 is available for the C100 EASY printer. On process, our research department works also underway to develop the SIC (Silicon Carbide). For the review, it’s here

To prototype with Silicon Nitride on the C100 EASY Printer

The silicon nitride formula is now available as mix for the C100 EASY printer. It allows fast prototyping step for part to qualify its application. Silicon nitride is well known for being one of the toughest and most resistant technical ceramics, thanks to its very good resistance to thermal shocks. And it has excellent resistance to corrosion. Combined with a low density and a good electrical insulation make this ceramic […]

Solar Impulse label and additive manufacturing

Cell3Ditor solution for the development of a cost-effective and flexible manufacturing process for fabricating 3D printed SOFC stacks with @3DCeram printer C900 has been granted with Solar Impulse Label or the 1000 most efficient solutionsRead more

What about 3D printing technical ceramics for the 2020’s

"We are firmly convinced 3D printing will evolve to become a fully-fledged production tool able to take up the challenge of mass customization in opposition to traditional mass production” assure Richard Gaignon and Christophe Chaput, CEO of 3DCeram. The objective today is to strengthen 3DCeram’s position as a lead engineering company in additive manufacturing for high technology markets with high growth potential. 3D Ceram has been working for over 15 […]

FORMNEXT 2019 : 3D ceramic printing : 3DCeram Sinto opens the industrial stage

600x600x300 mm, these are the dimensions of the building platform of the C3600 Ultimate, the new 3D printer from the French company 3DCeram Sinto, based in Limoges.It allows mass production or to print big parts, like a satellite mirror. The 4 lasers which equipped the printer make the challenge possible and ensure a printing time compatible with industrial needs. 3DCeram printers use stereolithography printing technology for the quality of finishing […]

Back to the adventure made in France of 3DCeram

15 years in 3D printing of technical ceramics, an article to read…

An eventful year

Many new features in 2019, as 3DCeram launches two new printers. All is detailed in the interview with Richard Gaignon (CEO) on the highlights and developments of 3DCeram…

SAM improve the 3D Printer C900 FLEX

SAM is an extrusion system, consisting of a nozzle and cartridge, set on the C900 blade. The paste cartridge has a capacity of 200 ml. The dispensing system is very flexible and allows the use of a fairly liquid paste. You will start a production with only 100 ml! Thus, this option optimizes the prototyping possibility with the C900 by using the right amount of paste. In fact, paste is […]

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