Highly specific mechanical, electrical, thermal andchemical properties of advanced ceramics makeceramic additive manufacturing technology expandrapidly into different industrial segments: chemistry,oil & gas, water treatment, electronic, automotiveand other industries.
3D ceramic printing makes new complex parts thatare difficult to produce using traditional methodspossible. It allows manufacturing of parts withoutexpensive tooling, which is particularly interesting incases of small series production, individuallydesigned parts or freedom to change the design ofsome engineered components. Also, downtime beingcritical for any industrial process, productioncompanies may create their own additivemanufacturing facilities to quickly source severalspares and wearing parts, especially for oldequipment.
Industrial applications of technical ceramics are defined by the properties of materials:
- Filtering of fluids and gases because ceramics are chemically inert and are resistantcorrosion and temperature applications include filters, dies, tooling, gaskets,tightness rings;
- High temperature applications: injectors, nozzles,temperature probes, pressure and temperature sensors, heating components, heat recovery components;
- Electronic insulation: insulation components,connectors, inserts, tubes with cooling channels inside, different insulation disks and bushings;
- Sanitary applications: handles for tools in contactwith food or medical substances;
- Heat exchange: heat exchangers with internalchannels, furnace inserts for cooling;
- Electronics for electrical insulation and ionicconduction properties of ceramics: honeycomb solarabsorbers, antennas (for satellites, 5G, drones etc..),rigid supports for electronic devices, housings forcomponents, parts for infrared emitters, inductioncoils;
- Medical tooling and equipment: tools for catheters,supports for optical filters;
- Various wearing parts because of resistance toabrasion of ceramics and longer life cycle of ceramicparts: different kinds of nozzles for fluids and gasesetc.;
- Different hardware because of good mechanica lresistance and stiffness: clamps, fixing supports, housings etc.
- Decoration functional components because of aesthetic properties of ceramic materials
3D printing to help manufacturers exploit the qualities of ceramics
3DCeram is the privileged partner of major industrial groups, world-famous players of chemistry, telecommunications, electronics and aerospace industries, among others, as well as research laboratories, manufacturers of video projection equipment …
• the exceptional properties of ceramics
• the fast, moldless manufacturing of functional parts
• the advices of ceramics expert
The company offers additive manufacturing lines adapted to the production constraints of these demanding markets or an exclusive on demand production service that allows to manufacture, within a very short period of time, the parts developed by your design office.
A part developed quickly, without mold.
The technology exploited by 3DCeram makes it possible to produce a functional parts with chemical and mechanical properties identical to those obtained by the traditional processes.
Materials: the exceptional properties of technical ceramics
Ceramics, according to their category, have a wide variety of interesting mechanical, magnetic, thermal, chemical and electrical properties, all remarkable. These properties translate into high strength, high dimensional stability (low coefficient of thermal expansion), low density, high resistance to abrasion and corrosion, and exceptional chemical stability. These qualities, combined with incomparable insulating properties (thermal and electric) allow you to use ceramic components for applications subjected to high stress, in harsh environments. 3DCeram guides you from very early stage of your project and help you choose the type of ceramic that best meets your specifications.
Ceramics portfolio
Alumina (AI203)
Used more often than any other advanced ceramics. Very good mechanical resistance,electrical resistance, high hardness, corrosion and wear resistance, high operating temperature and chemically and bio- inert.
Zirconia (ZrO2)
Useful in surgical instrumentation and odontology prosthesis (crowns and bridges),porous coating dentistry: material with very good mechanical properties, great hardness,good wear resistance, corrosion resistant.
Silicon Nitride
One of the hardest and most thermally resistant ceramics.
The main characteristics of silicon nitride are: low density, excellent resistance to thermal shock, excellent resistance to wear, and low thermal expansion
Cordierite is a magnesium alumina silicate with chemical formula 2MgO.2Al2O3. 5SiO2 Cordierite can be used
due to low thermal conductivity and low expansion coefficient, resistance to heat and low dielectric loss.
Aluminium Nitride
The main characteristics of aluminium nitride are: high thermal resistance, excellent electrical insulation and good mechanical strength. Main application of this material is electronic industry
Zirconia 8Y
This material has excellent ionic conductivity and heat insulation properties. Main application of this ceramic material is manufacturing of solid fuel cells.