
Accelerating AM Adoption with Singapore’s first and only Ceramic-focused 3D Printing Service Bureau

 22 octobre 2018 22 October 2018. Back in November 2016, the partnership between 3DCeram Sinto and Creatz3D facilitated the installation of 3DCeram Sinto’s Ceramaker 900 Ceramic 3D printer at Advanced Remanufacturing Technology Centre, in Singapore, and pooled together both companies’ years of additive manufacturing expertise. Formed in 2017 as a subdivision of its parent company, Creatz3D, Creatz3D Ceramics Service Bureau is dedicated to the 3D printing of ceramics parts. Creatz3D […]

Best Component Award at Ceramitech: a double reward for 3DCERAM-SINTO!

3DCERAM received an honorary award for their services in the Technical ceramics field through the optimization of printed parts during the Technical Ceramics day at Ceramitech the 12th of April.This services incorporates the companies expertise and experience in the domain of technical ceramics, 3D printing and aeronautical expertise to provide a choice of options and tools to produce innovative products, notably shaping optimization in general but also methods of calculating […]

3DCeram-Sinto signs a partnership with the German experts DORST Technologies to increase its offer around additive manufacturing.

Limoges, April 3, 2018 – On the occasion of Ceramitec, which will be held from April 10th to 13th in Munich, 3DCeram-Sinto (www.3dceram), the number one in the field of 3D ceramic printing that unites a group of expertise in the field of materials and processes for 3D printing of ceramic objects, announces its partnership with a major player in technical ceramics, the German experts DORST Technologies. This Franco-German alliance […]

AEROSPACE : 3DCERAM, The leading 3D ceramic printing company installs their first CERAMAKER ® 900 in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian engineering firm ZMDB “Progress” named after Academician O.H.Ivchenko has choosen the technology provided by 3DCERAM, the pioneer and world leader in 3D ceramic printing for the manufacturing of their foundry cores.3Dceram continues the sales of its CERAMAKER ® 900 printers across the world. As part of its strategy to develop and conquer new markets, the French based team has been selected to install the first 3D printer CERAMAKER® […]

3DCERAM deploys their Hybrid printer the CERAMAKER® 900H at L’IREC

Limoges, France, the 15th of January 2018.As part of the European CELL3DITOR project which started last year and to produce high temperature generators for solid oxide fuel cell stacks, the institute of Energy and research of Catalogne (IREC) chose the 3D ceramic printer CERAMAKER® 900H, developed and manufactured in France by 3DCeram. Installed since the end of December, the machine produces on demand ceramic parts, from simple to complex geometrics. […]

In their quest to become a global leader, 3DCeram has taken on board a new shareholder to help them grow

Limoges (France), on the 05 of October 2017 – 3DCeram (www.3Dceram.com), a French company specialising in a range of ceramic 3D object printing processes and materials, has signed an agreement to take on board the Sinto Group (www.sinto.com), a heavyweight and world-renowned Japanese industrial partner.The aim of this is to turbocharge the growth of the pioneering French company, the world leader in 3D ceramic printing. With Sinto taking a majority […]

3DCeram and the SPCTS (UMR CNRS/Université Limoges) renew their partnership to continue their technological research for the future of ceramic 3D printing.

Limoges (Nouvelle Aquitaine, 8 March 2017) – 3Dceram and the SPCTS (UMR CNRS/Université de Limoges) have signed a new 3 year collaboration agreement that will allow them to jointly tackle issues relating to additive manufacturing and to plan for the future of 3D ceramic printing. This agreement will see the continuation of a partnership that was first launched in 2010 with the laboratory for the Science of Ceramic Processes and […]

3DCeram develop a partnership with Shenzhen Sunshine Laser Industry

Shenzhen Sunshine Laser Industry is a leading Chinese listed company (Shenzhen) specializing in precision laser technologies. It operates a fleet of several thousand machines distributed across multiple production sites. The company has purchased a 3D CERAMAKER printer to equip its main R & D center, which also offers a 3D printing on demand service. The Chinese leader wants to broaden its offer by offering a wider choice of materials.

3DCeram expands its offer by offering its slurries expertise for 3D printers

Limoges. 12 February 2014. For more than ten years now, 3DCeram has been developing a unique expertise in the field of 3D printing production dedicated to ceramics (Ceramic Additive Manufacturing). Today, the company shares its expertise in powder and ceramic pastes by proposing its 3Dmix offer to manufacturers of 3D printing machines: a genuine consulting service associated to formulation and sale of ready to use pastes. In addition to its […]

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