White paper

White Papers


Highly specific mechanical, electrical, thermal and chemical properties of advanced ceramics makeceramic additive manufacturing technology expand rapidly into different industrial segments: chemistry,oil & gas, water treatment, electronic, automotiveand other industries.

In this white paper, we propose an overview of 3D Printing for Industry applications.

Foundry Cores

Foundry cores are an essential part of the production of turbine blades for aviation, aeroderivative and land based gas turbines. The internal cooling structure of the turbine blade facilitates a reduction in the substrate temperature, creating opportunities to lower fuel consumption, improve turbine efficiency and decrease engine emissions. The need for complex core design has increased dramatically with customers’ demands for smaller, more efficient and cost-effective engines running at higher temperatures, stretching existing alloy technology to its limit.

Find out how 3D printing has allowed to think differently for optimization in this white paper.


Ceramics are components of the market for biomaterials, itself a growing market due to the many properties (biodegradable, bio-inert, antibacterial effect, etc.) making them unavoidable in the medical sector. Applied to the biomedical market, 3D printing allows the realization of bone substitutes, custom ceramic implants and surgical tools. Their outstanding biocompatibility, extremely regular porous structure and mechanical strength are the main qualities of these 3D bioceramics.

In this white paper, we propose an overview of 3D printing for biomedical applications.
Universités et centres de recherches

Education & Research

Highly specific properties of advanced ceramics make ceramic additive manufacturing more and more adopted by different players in many different applications: biomedical, jewelry, space and aeronautics, different industrial segments (energy, chemistry, oil & gas, water treatment, electronic, automotive etc...).

All these applications are prepared upstream by R&D works, implemented either by universities and specialized schools or by dedicated departments of industrial companies. Education and research are a springboard for the introduction of additive manufacturing into industrial mass customization.

In this white paper, you will an overview of 3D Printing ceramics applied to the needs of labs and universities.

Optimizing Optical Instruments with Additive Manufacturing

In the last decade, the optical instrumentation for space and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platforms has been optimized in order to reduce the mass and volume of the equipment. In order to meet this specific goal, it was critical to develop new innovative systems taking advantage of new manufacturing methods.
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